Our spiritual health is enhanced by increased knowledge about our faith. Holy Disciples offers a variety of opportunities for learning and reflection on what we believe. Adult RCIA and Confirmation Sessions have begun. We are meeting Sundays after the 10:30AM Mass. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, please have them contact Rosemary O'Brien-Wilson (robrienwilson@holydisciples.org).
Interested in Becoming Catholic? Join RCIA
RCIA = Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Have you not completed your own Catholic initiation with the Sacrament of Confirmation? Does your non-Catholic spouse come to Mass with you? Do you have a friend who asks a lot of questions about what Catholics believe? Please invite them to check out the RCIA process at Holy Disciples. A small group of inquirers will be gathering on Sundays at noon beginning Sept 24th to learn about everything Catholic. If you or someone you know is interested in joining us, please have them contact Rosemary O’Brien-Wilson (robrienwilson@holydisciples.org ). These meetings are designed for those who know very little or nothing about the Catholic faith.
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