- Is this responsibility what you expected for yourself in your decision to seek baptism for your child
- Does this mean any changes for your family?
- You are claiming your child for Christ. You are blessing your child.
- You are acknowledging your commitment to raise your child to be a disciple of Christ.
This responsibility and commitment require preparation of the parents/guardians and Godparents.
Next Baptism Prep Class at Holy Disciples Church: Saturday, April 5, 2025, from 9:00am-12:00pm.
To RSVP for this Baptism Prep Class, send an email to officemanager@holydisciples.org or call 253-875-6630
Parent/Guardian preparation consists participating in 4-hour class at Holy Disciples (or another Catholic Church). Nursery care is not provided
during Baptism classes.
Families of those to be baptized must be registered, participating parishioners or have permission of their pastor. Connect with the Pastoral Assistant after mass to receive Baptism Registration materials and for more information.
Godparents – at least one Godparent needs to be an active, Confirmed Catholic and we need proof of their confirmation.
More information here
Primary staff contact person for Baptisms - John Mastalski at pastoralassistant@holydisciples.org
Volunteer Baptism Coordinator - Scott Livingston