Stewardship starts in our parish. As we enter Holy Disciple’s Stewardship of Treasure renewal, we ask that you prayerfully reflect on what God as given you and what you can give back in return. Please prayerfully fill out and return your 2025 pledge card today in the collection basket, to the parish office, or online below through a link to the 2025 Stewardship pledge or giving link:
Parish Online Giving through Pushpay
Thank you for your stewardship!
We are very grateful to those of you who so kindly have contributed to support Holy Disciples by mailing your weekly contribution envelope or by donating through an EFT program. These are very challenging weeks for our parish since expenses have not decreased and the vast majority of our parish income is received through passing the basket at our weekend Masses.
We also can now accept donations via Venmo @HolyDisciples