Parish Family Advisory Counsel (PFAC)

We are looking for parishioners to serve three-year terms on the Family 39 Parish Family Advisory Council (PFAC). We are looking for members who reflect the diversity of the parish family, i.e., in terms of age, race, gender, length of membership in the parish, etc., and will represent their home church and the people of the whole family.


The Parish Family Advisory Council is a consultative body to the pastor. The purpose of the council is to provide recommendations for priorities, directions, and policies through pastoral planning; and to promote communication and understanding among parish organizations and between the Family’s churches.


The PFAC will meet at least monthly, with the day and time to be determined by the PFAC members.  This is a commitment to regularly attend monthly meetings for at least three years, as well as occasional other church or Family events.


If you would like to be considered for membership on the Parish Family Advisory Council, please click button below to fill out the application:


Thank you for your interest and prayerful consideration.


Mark McCoy Scholarships for 2025/2026

The Holy Disciples Council of the Knights of Columbus announce the Mark McCoy Scholarships for 2025/2026 academic year.

The Scholarships honors Mark McCoy a deceased knight of our council to encourage students to gain skills useful in building the Kingdom of God.

You are eligible if: (1) you are enrolled in post-secondary education; and (2) your family is registered and active member of Holy Disciples or Our Lady of Good Counsel churches.

The Scholarship will reimburse you for incurred expenses. Request application package via email to Bill Hays at

Applications must be received by April 30, 2025. Awards will be announced in early June.

CRS Rice Bowl

For 50 years, CRS Rice Bowl has been a tradition for millions of Catholics across the country answering the call to support the most vulnerable members of our human family. Today, let’s recommit to ending global hunger so that all our sisters and brothers can thrive and reach their God-given potential. 

F39 Lent Liturgies

Lenten Reflections – Small Group and Individual reflection opportunities

Soup Suppers – simple meal of meatless soups, with donations to CRS Rice Bowl

  • 6:00pm every Friday starting March 7th Holy Disciples, SS Cosmas and Damian, and Our Lady Queen of Heaven

Stations of the Cross – a reflective liturgy led by various ministry volunteers

  • 5:15pm every Wednesday starting March 12thOur Lady of Good Counsel
  • 7:00pm every Friday starting March 7thHoly Disciples, SS Cosmas and Damian, and Our Lady Queen of Heaven

Communal Reconciliation Services – with individual confession

  • Thursday, March 27th at 6:30pm – Holy Disciples
  • Thursday, April 3rd at 6:30pm – Our Lady Queen of Heaven

Chrism Mass – annual liturgy for the blessings of the three Holy Oils used in our parish, including Sacred Chrism, Oil of Catechumens, and Oil of the Sick

  • Thursday, April 10th at 7:00pm – St. James Cathedral (Seattle)

Schedule of Liturgies

Mass Schedule for Parish Family 39



9:00am  Holy Disciples

     (Holy Hour with Exposition after Mass)

9:00am  Our Lady Queen of Heaven

9:30am  SS Cosmas & Damian

6:00pm  Our Lady of Good Counsel



9:00am  Holy Disciples

9:00am  Our Lady Queen of Heaven



9:00am  Holy Disciples

9:00am  Our Lady Queen of Heaven

9:30am  SS Cosmas & Damian

Saturdays (Vigil Masses)

4:00pm  Our Lady of Good Counsel

4:00pm  Our Lady Queen of Heaven

6:30pm  Holy Disciples


  8:00am  Holy Disciples

  8:30am  Our Lady Queen of Heaven

  8:30am  SS Cosmas & Damian

10:30am  Holy Disciples

11:00am  Our Lady Queen of Heaven

Individual Confessions at Holy Disciples

Saturdays at 4:00 p.m.

or call for an appointment

(253) 875-6630

We no longer livestream any of our Masses

Mass is livestreamed daily at Saint James Cathedral (Seattle)


Safe Environment | Reporting Abuse

Three websites you can use to report abuse:

Protect and Heal

Catholic Bishops' Abuse Reporting Service

Ethic's Point

Pilgrims of Hope: Jubilee 2025

Jubilee 2025 (December 2024 through December 2025) was established by Pope Francis, calling the faithful to become Pilgrims of Hope. For pilgrims travelling to Rome for the Jubilee, there will be many events, including the opening of the holy doors at various sacred sites. More information here.

To participate in the Jubilee locally, the Archdiocese of Seattle has established five specially designated pilgrimage sites the faithful can visit, either one or all of them. Each of these pilgrimage sites will have Jubilee signage in the vestibule and printed guides in English and Spanish to lead pilgrims to make a special visit of prayer and reflection.

Visit the Archdiocese of Seattle’s Jubilee Year 2025 page, here, to learn more about the Jubilee Year and the list of the five local pilgrimage sites to visit for prayer, reflection and the Jubilee indulgence.

Our Mission

Holy Disciples Parish is a vibrant Catholic community of faith, dedicated to the Gospel, centered in the Eucharist and fulfilling our Baptismal Call through the consistent sharing of prayer, worship, and reconciliation, welcoming all through Education and Faith Formation, Hospitality, Community Building, Outreach, Stewardship, and Evangelization.