Senior High (9th - 12th grade)


We have made a LOT of memories and had a LOT of fun over the last few years.  It's time for us to get back together!  Current Senior High members, alumni, and current and past leaders are invited to join us and reconnect during our summer break!

Place:  Holy Disciples  

Date/Time:  Sunday, August 18 between 6:00PM - 8:00PM

Theme:  Potluck Style Munchies - please bring something to share! :)

FOOD       FUN       PHOTOS     GAMES     &     MORE!!!

 Take the Plunge is the theme for this year's Vacation Bible School

July 29 - August 1

1:00PM - 4:00PM

We are asking older youth to become teen volunteers

You'll have fun, meet new friends, enjoy the outdoors, play games, sing and learn something new!

                                                 Click HERE to volunteer                                                                       


Questions about classes?  Please email Amanda at (6-12) or Rita at (K-5)

Senior High Youth Group will be held on Sunday evenings beginning Sept 15

Regular Meeting Time: 

Sundays, 5:30 - 7:30 PM

2023-2024 Youth Group Calendar

Senior High Contact:

Amanda Woyak

Phone: 253-875-6630


A big part of Youth Group is the time spent in fellowship! During the first half hour, teens eat dinner together and catch up with old friends and make new ones! Parents, please click here to sign up to provide a dinner for the Youth Group! 


Volunteer with Senior High Youth Group

We are always grateful for extra help either in the midst of Youth Group or behind the scenes. There are two basic qualifications: a volunteer needs to be age 21 or over and have completed the Archdiocesan Safe Environment Training and Background Check

If you have questions or would like to volunteer, please email Amanda

We will need volunteers to help with the following activities:

Youth Team (Assist with weekly gatherings.)

Shopper (Gather/ purchase needed items for events; food, crafts, etc.)

Retreat or Rally Team (Assist on an all-day or overnight event.)

Snack Coordinator (Serve snacks and clean up at Youth Event.)

Assist with Community Service Projects.

Driver (Assist with transportation to/from events. Must have proof of insurance.)

Chaperone for special events (Retreat, Movie Night, Service Work, Field Trips, etc.)

Other (music, audio/video technicians, etc.)

Take the Plunge this Summer at Vacation Bible School!

July 29 - August 1

1:00PM - 4:00PM

We need awesome teen volunteers to help make VBS a great adventure for our young friends. Do you like to sing/dance/put on skits? Crafts? Games? Have we got a spot for YOU! Click HERE to fill out a volunteer form. You may also pick up a form at the Welcome Desk.

Must register to volunteer by June 30, 2024

We can't wait to "sea" you!

High School Confirmation

Meeting Time

Sundays (bi-weekly)

3:30 - 5:15 PM

Classes starting October 1st, 2023

Confirmation Class Calendar

Registration Information

If you are interested in getting Confirmed, please email Amanda to discuss your options and eligibility. 

Confirmation is such a special sacrament in the Catholic faith. This is when the teens in our community can make the decision to choose the faith to be theirs for the rest of their lives. 

In order to enroll in the Confirmation program, the student needs to first have a minimum of one year in Faith Formation / Youth Group prior to the start of the Confirmation classes. In their second year of Faith Formation / Youth Group, you may inquire about the eligibility of your student for Confirmation. This is a separate meeting from Youth Group, and the expectation is that the student will be attending both meetings as they continue to grow their faith. 

Click here for more information on our Confirmation program for teens. 

Note: Youth Group at the Senior High (High School) level is a four-year program... this means that should your student be present for more than two years, they are not repeating a year, they are merely continuing on in the program. Confirmation is a separate two-year program where Youth Group is the prerequisite. Students hoping to enroll in the Confirmation classes need to be mindful of this commitment the year before they hope to enroll, as they need to have 80% attendance at Youth Group and that they should be actively participating. 

If you are out of high school and you are interested in being confirmed as an adult, please review the pdf link above to find the next steps for you, or visit the Adult section under the Education tab at the top of your screen. 

After reviewing the pdf with more information about Confirmation, if you have any questions or concerns, reach out to:

Amanda Woyak
