Learn More About Our Ministries!
Eucharistic Ministers Needed to Serve at HD Masses
We need your help! There is a critical shortage of Eucharistic Ministers at all of our Masses. If you are fully initiated (baptized, First Communion, Confirmed) please consider serving. The Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist (EME) helps to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass. This is an honor and a blessing to you and those you serve. The commitment requires arriving at least 15 minutes prior to Mass, and you can serve as little as once a month. Please plan to attend one of the following training sessions or email Jen Klein, jen.klein.pnw@gmail.com to learn more abut this opportunity to grow in your faith.
Training sessions (meet at Kitchen window) are as follows: June 30th at 9:20AM, July 6th at 5:00PM, and July 14th at 9:20AM
Usher & Greeters
The usher/greeter is an important part of our Welcoming Ministry, greeting people with a smile as they enter church. An usher also assists in seating visitors, tends to people with special needs, passes the collection baskets, distributes bulletins, and removes clutter after Mass. This ministry is open to mature youth to adults. This is an excellent way to meet people and be an active part of our parish! Training is provided.
"The word Sacristan comes from the Latin word, sacer, meaning sacred. This sacred and essential parish ministry is most often work performed behind the scenes, but very visible if not performed with diligence and accuracy." The sacristan prepares the sacred vessels, vestments, and altar for Mass, then cleans up afterwards. The time commitment is 20-25 minutes once or twice a month. Training is provided.
There are a few ministries that could use more people at each Mass. If you are interested in any of these, please email Mary at paa@holydisciples.org.
Videographers: We are in need of a few more people to video tape the 6:30 PM Saturday Mass. If you are in high school or older, consider joining this team.
Projectionists: These fine people project the slides during each of the Masses. If you like to work behind the scenes, this could be for you!
Liturgical Master of Ceremony (LMC): Master of Ceremony prepares the credence table, all sacred vessels and assists the presider during Mass.
Ushers are ministers of hospitality and greet our members and guests before Mass. They assist in the Sunday collection, distribute bulletins after Mass and assess emergencies.